Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Blackboard teacher

In case you haven't heard of, I want to tell you the site rocks big time! Its ability to teach surpasses wikipedia for the topics covered. If you want to learn about math, science, finance, etc..., that is a great place to learn. Yae! for Salmon Khan who created the site!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Negative Addictions

Short term pleasure, not realizing the long term damage. Examples: alcohol, chemical, sex, spending/buying, gambling, work, news, food, video games, etc...

Do you know what your addiction is? Mine has been that I'm a news junky. The news calls me all the time: Come here Daniel and we will have a good ole time. Negative addictions tell us lies. Tells us that we are better with the pleasure. What is or has been your negative addition?

How do you break an addiction? Acknowledging it, knowing that it is there, realizing that it is more than a bad habit, recognizing that it is evil, is perhaps the most challenging step. Knowing that your life will be better with out it.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Electrons and Protons as standing electromagnetic waves

I made public a theory that I have been working on for many years:

Although I worked on the theory for many years the theory is quite simple. Would be very interested in knowing what you think about it.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Towards a more prosperous latin america

1) Open government to help stop corruption. All government transactions available on the internet.
2) People setting aside there differences and willing to team up. Unified laws across the different countries will promote free trade and increase business.

One day in the future latin america will decide to unite. A united latin america (ULA) will have many bonuses for its people like:
1) easier travel
2) better economy
3) Many benefits come when people decide to become a team and work together.

On the downside everyone hates big corrupt governments, so those types of issues will need to be minimized before people will be willing to unite.

A united people is a beautiful thing. A team playing as a team will win versus a team with individuals.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How to get along with open source developers

If you want to know how to get a long with open source developers this blog about msysgit will help:

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The science of love

Natural selection causes love.
Take for example a dog. If it has love, then it loves its fellow dogs. It will stick together and work as a team. We know that a pack is more successful hunting than an individual.
Humans: A man that has love is going to be more successful raising a family than one with out. With love a man will stick with his mate and children. With out it, he will abandon them, and the family will have a more difficult time surviving.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

About God

I love God, at least the concept of God. Something that can judge us, and perhaps save us from evil. A wonderful concept. Father Joe at my Catholic church defined God as something we can not possibly understand. This is the definition I'll use for God if you need one.

I don't believe a God as defined in the bibles exist. These bibles where written by people. Even though I don't believe it, I wish it were true, for reasons stated in the previous paragraph.

I see people debating frequently if God exists. What I notice of interest in this debate is something different than what you might see. What I see is that people with fear tend to believe in God, and people without fear tend not to believe in God. This fear I believe is mostly inherited from your parents genes. Also the more fear you have the more you believe in God and the more familiar you are with the bible.

People with fear for the most part are intelligent. They have to ask themselves why do I fear? One answer they can come up with is God. They feel God and therefore God exists. In case you haven't noticed, people with fear are generally more successful then people that don't. They study, they learn, they work, they prepare, because they fear. Fear is a powerful motivator. People without fear tend to take a nap. (ha ha)

My personal perspective for evidence of God:
  1. Science can not explain existence. Something has to come from something and science can not explain how the first thing came into existence. No credible theories for spontaneous creation. Any theory would violate the law of conservation of matter and energy.
Non evidence for God's existence:
  1. The successful survival instinct we call fear. We justify our paranoia by telling ourselves we feel God.
  2. The, or a, bible. Created by men who fear.

Unlike God, science is based on testable and measurable evidence. Not all science is this way, but for the most part it is. Because it is based on fundamental truths that we can measure, test, and other strongest of evidence, we should prioritize science over religion. Prioritize evolution over what the bible says literally. Science does not teach us morals and religion does. For that we need religion or follow the golden rule.